Outrage yesterday when the government here announced the price of beer was going up. My co-workers bellowed and moaned, vowed to stock up since yesterday was payday. Meanwhile, it must have hit Charlottetown pretty hard last night, because when I came into work this morning, there were two drunk guys (one openly drinking beer on the sidewalk) one staggering about, there was puke outside of the radio station, and when I went to Tim Hortons for my tea, there was two drunk guys waiting in line with me.
Note to self. Do not wear flip flops day after beer prices go up. Sidewalks messy.
ParisFrances has new kitty litter. It is environmentally friendly kitty litter made of pine. They take the scraps from lumber mills, and chip it, dry it, and then it becomes lovely kitty litter. I will let you know how that goes. (Apparantly the clumping clay litter I was using is bad for the cat if she inhales the dust, and it is bad for the environment in both production and disposal)
Alright, back to work now. Looking over music project, and working on special ratings promotion that is top secret. :) You know I must love this job if I am working on a beautiful Saturday.
My daily adventures on the East Coast
My daily adventures on the East Coast
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Anne Gets Called Names
Random Things that Have Happened over the Past Few Days.
Some Islanders who I am becoming friends with, are really sick of Anne of Green Gables. It makes me laugh 'til I cry. It's mainly women, and they call her that red headed (rhymes with witch) One friend used to work in a gift shop and detests the Anne dolls so much she calls them even worse names.
There is a huge following here of British T.V. Coronation Street--which I have started watching, also Father Ted!!!!! Father Ted I love. Was introduced to it by my great friend Rebecca of Ireland. How exciting to meet other people who have watched Father Ted.
When it rains here, it really friggin rains. It pours. You get wet even with an umbrella.
I have been working 12-14 hour days this week. I am almost done the music project. Then I have a big ratings promotion to work on, that will eat up all of my time in August.
I love it here, I love my apartment other than the shower that goes hot/cold and the neighbours downstairs who smoke pot everynight. Other than that, it's great, and I sleep like a baby.
Some Islanders who I am becoming friends with, are really sick of Anne of Green Gables. It makes me laugh 'til I cry. It's mainly women, and they call her that red headed (rhymes with witch) One friend used to work in a gift shop and detests the Anne dolls so much she calls them even worse names.
There is a huge following here of British T.V. Coronation Street--which I have started watching, also Father Ted!!!!! Father Ted I love. Was introduced to it by my great friend Rebecca of Ireland. How exciting to meet other people who have watched Father Ted.
When it rains here, it really friggin rains. It pours. You get wet even with an umbrella.
I have been working 12-14 hour days this week. I am almost done the music project. Then I have a big ratings promotion to work on, that will eat up all of my time in August.
I love it here, I love my apartment other than the shower that goes hot/cold and the neighbours downstairs who smoke pot everynight. Other than that, it's great, and I sleep like a baby.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Riding in the Rain

Went for a bike rain in the rain this morning. Felt guilty for eating half a bag of gummi worms last night. What is with gummi candy that is so addictive? It's like jello without the cold. Anyways, gummi bears, gummi worms...quite delicious. The crows woke me up this morning. I have never seen so many crows as I have here. They are loud! At first I couldn't stand them, but now, after being around them, they really are tough birds, and very bold. You can walk right up to them and they almost look like they will attack.
This morning I rode my bike out to Memorial Forest Park on Beach Grove Road. It was a great bike ride, little hills and they have lots of orchards of native trees growing.
At the park, they have seperate memorial sections of the park for Army, Navy and AirForce. Very lovely park, nice little beach (not for swimming really--just to walk on and watch the blue herons) Nice little trail to ride or walk on.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Foxes on the Beach

Went to the gym this morning, and had a great workout. There is a very strange lady at the gym, she continually whispers to herself, and she reads the paper while sitting on the stationary bike. However she doesn't pedal. She just sits on the bike. Odd. Very odd. I went to work, and did the afternoon shift. My weekend afternoon guy asked for the day off to go to the Black Eyed Peas concert in Halifax. After work today, I started watching "Newsradio." I forgot what a great show it is, Phil Hartman, Andy Dick, Maura Tierney and Dave Foley. I watched a couple of episodes, had some of my leftover pizza, and I though I had better go for a walk.
Besides the donkey this week, this walk was the highlight of the week. I was walking along and saw a fox on the beach. Right around the corner, there were two more foxes wrestling around and playing in the water. They didn't even mind that I was there. Until I tried to take pictures. Then they ran off, but one stayed very close. He layed down at the edge of the embankment and just watched me. All I can say is "wow." It was quite an experience. Then the sun was going down...so I took my pictures (notice a dog in the picture--a little schnauzer was out walking with his owner--i warned them about the foxes) and walked home. :) Very nice evening.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Ass Visits K-ROCK

To kick off the Gingerwood Horse Show, we had a donkey visit this morning. If you know me well, you know I LOVE donkey's. So meeting Pedro this morning was like holding a brand new baby. He is a sweet, sweet donkey. If you want to check out the Gingerwood horse show (it is a really big deal) http://www.gingerwoodfarm.com/
Very busy today, but I thought I would share that with you. Also we ended up taking a picture of the morning show guys with Pedro, that turned out (not on purpose) looking inappropriate, and we roared with laughter about it. You can check that out at krock1055.com under photos. Oh, god it was fun!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
New Convention Centre
Big news in Charlottetown today! The province and the federal governments have announced they are going to build a state of the art Convention Centre. This is a great idea, (if you know what the Covention Centre did in London-this is good news!) It will also improve the look of the waterfront. Good stuff!
I've been busy working away the last couple of days. Progress is being made! I do love my job here. I love living here. Everything is good! Except I still don't have cable. Stupid cable.
I've been busy working away the last couple of days. Progress is being made! I do love my job here. I love living here. Everything is good! Except I still don't have cable. Stupid cable.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bike Ride

Went for a bike ride this morning. It was a lovely day in Charlottetown. Went through Victoria Park--it is the best place to go for a bike ride in Charlottetown. There are so many blue herons here, I just love that. The tide was out when I took these photos.
It was really hot this afternoon so I went to see Eclipse. It was awful, and it was also good. Strange. Like a car wreck that you can't look away from.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
My First Gay Pride Parade

In all seriousness though, it was a good parade with lots of ladies dressed up more than I do for work. Pretty cool! And no mom, I was not IN the parade, I just watched from the sidewalk and waved.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A Hoover and Music
Last night I went to see Sexy Laundry with my General Manager Jennifer. I had watched this play at the Lighthouse Festival Theatre in Port Dover. This was the same one, and it was hillarious. Love the treadmill scene. Anyways, I am very lucky to have Jennifer as my boss. I say that not be a brownoser, but because I am. She is a positive person who inspires you to do better.
Plans for this weekend.
-Discover some part of Charlottetown I have no seen.
-Go watch Eclipse
-Work on music at KROCK
-Go to gym
-buy a VACCUM! I think I am most excited about buying vaccum.
-Sleep-this is also very exciting
Plans for this weekend.
-Discover some part of Charlottetown I have no seen.
-Go watch Eclipse
-Work on music at KROCK
-Go to gym
-buy a VACCUM! I think I am most excited about buying vaccum.
-Sleep-this is also very exciting
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Yis&Other Stuff I have Noticed
-Yis-means Yes in Prince Edward Island. lol. My first week here I laughed when people said yis. Now, good grief, I have caught myself saying yis. lol. Will I be like my Crocidile Hunter brother and visit home with an accent? lol.
-Good news, Charlottetown City police caught the idiot that shot the cyclist with a pellet gun. Stupid 18 year old loser.
-Listeners (mainly old men, who sound like they are half in the bag) have started calling me Foxey. It's hillarious.
-Early Bus ride I take reminds me of Mr. Toad's wild ride at Disney. I still like taking the bus though.
-Charlottetown is a small town. I saw the tatoo/former Hell's Angel/born again man in the grocery store, and I hid by putting my hair over my face like cousin It from the Addams Family.
It worked.
- I have found something I miss about southwestern Ontario. Noticeable lack of song birds in Charlottetown. LOTS of crows. Have only seen bluejays, pigeons, blue herons and a strange little gray bird with a yellow mark under his beak. Perhaps they all hang out in the countryside?
-Have an invitation to opening night of Anne of Green Gables the Musical for next week. The invite says I get to fall in love with Anne again. I'm not sure I will fall in love, because Megan Follows is the only Anne I will ever love. Btw, what ever happened to Megan Follows?
-I joined a gym that is a minute from my work. So cheap. 75 dollars until September 6th. After that I get a membership from work. Feels good to work out again!
-Good news, Charlottetown City police caught the idiot that shot the cyclist with a pellet gun. Stupid 18 year old loser.
-Listeners (mainly old men, who sound like they are half in the bag) have started calling me Foxey. It's hillarious.
-Early Bus ride I take reminds me of Mr. Toad's wild ride at Disney. I still like taking the bus though.
-Charlottetown is a small town. I saw the tatoo/former Hell's Angel/born again man in the grocery store, and I hid by putting my hair over my face like cousin It from the Addams Family.
It worked.
- I have found something I miss about southwestern Ontario. Noticeable lack of song birds in Charlottetown. LOTS of crows. Have only seen bluejays, pigeons, blue herons and a strange little gray bird with a yellow mark under his beak. Perhaps they all hang out in the countryside?
-Have an invitation to opening night of Anne of Green Gables the Musical for next week. The invite says I get to fall in love with Anne again. I'm not sure I will fall in love, because Megan Follows is the only Anne I will ever love. Btw, what ever happened to Megan Follows?
-I joined a gym that is a minute from my work. So cheap. 75 dollars until September 6th. After that I get a membership from work. Feels good to work out again!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Small Friendly City
So other than a guy getting shot with a pellet gun while riding his bike down the road that I usually ride my bike down, I have found Charlottetown to be a very friendly city. lol. Last night I went for a walk/run and every single person I went by, either smiled, nodded or said hello. That would never happen in Hamilton, Toronto, or even London. Very nice. I followed the North River for my walk, and watched the sun go down while the tide was out. There were little wooden boats out there, it was so picturesque and I didn't have my camera! Oh well, you get the idea, IT'S BEAUTIFUL!
Regis&Kelly mayhem has hit Charlottetown, that is all everyone is talking about. It's pretty cool what it is doing for tourism here. When you have Kelly Ripa, a very influential person saying she had a perfect day here and ate a perfect mid priced restaurant, you couldn't ask for anything more. The provincial government here made the right decision to spend almost a million on the show.
Regis&Kelly mayhem has hit Charlottetown, that is all everyone is talking about. It's pretty cool what it is doing for tourism here. When you have Kelly Ripa, a very influential person saying she had a perfect day here and ate a perfect mid priced restaurant, you couldn't ask for anything more. The provincial government here made the right decision to spend almost a million on the show.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Cavendish Beach Music Festival
What a wild weekend. Cavendish Beach Music Festival --the Taylor Swift concert was good, although I didn't stay for the entire thing. It was a long day of non-stop meeting people coming into the concert. We had cut-outs of Taylor Swift and Keith Urban that people could take a picture with. We definately made the most noise out of all of the radio stations there. :)
At the end of the night, we stayed for a couple of Taylor Swift songs, and then Brittany the summer student and I were walking back to the KROCK truck, when I got these security guards to take some photos of the concert. A guy came up to me and said, "you should take a picture of her" I said "who?" He said "Kelly" So I got Brittany to go over, and I took her picture with her, we said hello. Then I took a picture of the KROCK fan with Kelly, and then Kelly walked away! I didn't get my photo, but no biggie. It was a lot of fun. Now today we are back at the Festival, it is pouring rain, but Lady Antebellum plays tonight.
Friday, July 9, 2010
It Reminds Me of Englewood
The heat wave that is in Ontario has spread to Prince Edward Island, but with a big difference. No smog, a constant breeze, and even though it is hot and humid it isn't nearly as hot and humid as Norfolk. It also cools down at night. Last night I went for a walk late at night, (11pm--that is how safe it is in Charlottetown) and it reminded me of when I was a kid in Englewood Florida. A warm breeze with the smell of salt water, and it was just beautiful.
Tomorrow is the Cavendish Beach Music Festival. I will take photos and put them up on the weekend. This concert is HUGE.
Tomorrow is the Cavendish Beach Music Festival. I will take photos and put them up on the weekend. This concert is HUGE.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Working 7 days a Week!
I have been crazy busy this week, and really haven’t had the chance to see any sights. With ratings coming up in September, I have a lot of work to do in every department. Luckily I have a good group of people to work with, all of who seem keen to make things better. Refreshing. :)
The Cavendish Beach Music Festival started yesterday, so I am doing the drive home show so that Myles can go down (or up?) to Cavendish to be at the booth. We have t-shirts to give away, and Regis and Kelly tickets, so it’s pretty exciting. I will make sure I put a photo up on the weekend, our t-shirts are BRIGHT orange with the K-ROCK logo. I am excited to go, it is going to be a great atmosphere. It will be cool to hear Taylor Swift perform, I guess I could go watch too- we have unlimited access on the grounds, just no back stage.
I still have no cable/internet, the stupid cable people continue to say 8a-5p. The guy came on Monday and of course I was in the middle of meetings. So I watch Will&Grace on DVD, the CBC news, and I listen to music.
I have lost more weight while I have been here, which has resulted in better run times. I still haven’t joined a gym, and I must before the ab’s Wanda helped me build disappear.
The Cavendish Beach Music Festival started yesterday, so I am doing the drive home show so that Myles can go down (or up?) to Cavendish to be at the booth. We have t-shirts to give away, and Regis and Kelly tickets, so it’s pretty exciting. I will make sure I put a photo up on the weekend, our t-shirts are BRIGHT orange with the K-ROCK logo. I am excited to go, it is going to be a great atmosphere. It will be cool to hear Taylor Swift perform, I guess I could go watch too- we have unlimited access on the grounds, just no back stage.
I still have no cable/internet, the stupid cable people continue to say 8a-5p. The guy came on Monday and of course I was in the middle of meetings. So I watch Will&Grace on DVD, the CBC news, and I listen to music.
I have lost more weight while I have been here, which has resulted in better run times. I still haven’t joined a gym, and I must before the ab’s Wanda helped me build disappear.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Charlottetown Summerfest!
Got to introduce Canadian Rocker Matt Mays on stage last night. Super cool. He was amazing, and after he rocked out the crowd, I managed to get him to sign my cd's, we chatted a bit, and took a picture. I was smiling like an idiot. :) Then Bachman&Turner were on stage--but I had to go home-I had to work in the morning. Lot's of fun. Amazing weekend with KROCK.
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Monday-Did not get cable installed, missed the cable guy. Blah. It is going to be impossible because I am not home between the hours of 8a-5p! Seriously, cable company--anytime between 8a-5p? That is a bit BROAD in spectrum for time. Went for a run. Slept like I was hit with a frying pan.
Tuesday-Another full day of everything KROCK. Love it. Then went with the gang out to Burlington Amusement Park. Go-Karts-Bumper Cars-Bumper Boats-Mini Putt. Have not idea where exactly I was. About 45 minutes somewhere outside of Charlottetown. LOL. Didn't drive so I am not sure exactly where I was. Had a blast! Made out with Bandit the Fox-the park's mascot.
Wednesday-14 hour day at work. Getting music worked on. So much to do! Stayed for our Soccer team of the week. Was reminded why I like children, but I like it more when they go home with their parents. lol. It was fun, we give them pizza and pop, and the staff plays games with them. Had a slighty different person try to get me to be a born again while waiting for the bus. Seriously where do I go to get away from the different people while waiting for a bus! He was harmless, showed me his Hell's Angels tatoo's. Gave me a pamphlet on how I can save myself. I saved myself later by eating chocolate, and said thank you to mother earth for making cocoa beans.
Thursday-Happy Canada Day! Going to the biggest Canada Day fireworks in the Maritimes. Worked this morning on air. Back to work later in the day. It is sunny and beautiful today. City is crazy busy!
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