So a lot went on this weekend. Friday night went out for lobster/mussels/ and for the first time clam chowder (wow-very good) Then a visit to Cavendish beach. Saved two jelly fish that had washed up and were still alive. Did my part for the environment. Also--MOM saw a bird didn't know what it is. Black body white head, BIG bird, had a nest on a big stand. I have no idea what kind of bird it is...it was as big as a bald eagle, but was not a bald eagle. If you can identify the bird, let me know. I could see the little babies heads peaking over. Quite an experience. ****ok after further research, it was a North American Osprey! First time I have seen one of those!
Saturday was a busy day. Went to the local farmers market (will go next time at lunch, there is a lot of food there, Thai, African, and great stuff like perogies and mini donuts. All really healthy. :( lol. There is a lot of organic food there, and of course vegetables from local farmers. It's a small little market but it's really good. Next weekend I am going to check out the farmers market that is downtown.
From there I went to work, we had a motorcycle show and shine. I didn't stay long, as I know nothing about motorcycles, but I did say hi to some of the folks and I did some office decorating while I was there. (trying to make my office feel a bit more like my office)
Then, I wandered downtown where I checked out the HMCS Moncton. They were giving tours. It was pretty cool to get that close to a machine gun.
From there, I travelled with my friend up to East Point. It was beautiful. We stopped at Wood Islands and did a tour of the lighthouse, then we were off to Basin Head for the singing sands (because the grains of sand are so big or something when you scuff your feet on the sand it makes a squeaky noise) and then to East Point. Gorgeous. Couldn't have had a more beautiful day. Then back to Hunters Ale House in Charlottetown for supper and met the owner. He had some really positive things to say about KROCK and the changes to music I have made. I was asleep by 10:30. Was going to stay at Hunters to watch Arrows in the Air (a local band) but I was just too damn tired.
Sunday morning up at 6 to go fishing with Aiden's Deep Sea Fishing. http://www.peifishing.com/ We went out and right away spotted two bald eagles sitting on the shore. We fished for mackerel, I only caught one. The people around me caught lots. It was a lot of fun though. Saw two seals, and a couple of pilot whales. Then we fished for cod. ( I will put more photos on tomorrow--I don't want to bog down people computers that don't have high speed in Norfolk) The cool part about the cod fishing was a bird I had never seen before called a gannet. These birds kicked the crap out of the seagulls fighting over fish scraps and are expert divers. I have also seen several sharp shinned hawks while here. This weekend was amazing! (p.s. trimmed ParisFrances's butt fur--tired of clingies and let me tell you she was NOT happy. She now has Mullet like fur on bum, short where it needs to be short and then layers out to longer. Very stylish bum fur. Very angry cat.)