On the weekend, it was beautiful! The sun was out, it was warm and a friend and I decided to go to the Cavendish Park trails on Saturday. We had a great time, the water was calm, no wind, the air was as fresh as it could ever be.

On Sunday, my friend and I travelled to Roma. There is trails at Three Rivers. The smell of the pine trees and the ocean was amazing. It was truly a beautiful weekend in PEI.
Some things that have been going on, well for the most part I work. I have been asked to part of a programming advisory board for the company, which would consist of programmers from across Canada. Very exciting and an excellent opportunity for me. I head to Halifax next week for our first meeting.
K-ROCK is planning for Christmas, no Christmas music likely! I had people vote on our website and most are against Christmas music on a rock station. We have a sports equipment drive starting Friday, our sister station has toys for tots, so this will be our fun way of giving back to the community. Our staff Christmas party is also coming up, I'm looking forward to that, but I have to get out there and get a dress. And likely shoes. Jeez. I hate shopping when you actually have to get something. It's so much easier when you are not looking.
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