This is Olivia and I in the Athens restaurant in Halifax. Olivia is my former co-op student from Simcoe, and she is doing so well travelling Canada with the group Katimivick. So Olivia and I went out and ate way too much at the great Greek restaurant Athens, and then we went and sat in Starbucks and had hot chocolate. Well I had hot chocolate, Olivia had chai tea.
Last night I went to see "Mittentime 2010" A bunch of Maritime artists
Tanya Davis, Brooke Miller, Catherine MacLellan, Daniel Ledwell, Jenn Grant, Kinley Dowling, Patrick Ledwell & Rose Cousins all performed. Patrick Ledwell the stan up comedian had everyone roaring with laughter, he is so funny. Tonight, it is the 6th annual Food and Warmth Show. It is to support the Upper Room with food donations and clothing. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow. Hopefully!
ParisFrances has super strong catnip as a gift, and all she does is get a whiff of it and she acts insane...so get ready for a video of crazed cat on catnip Christmas day.
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