So thrilled and thankful to be working for such a great company. This past week was Canadian Music Week in Toronto. Canadian Music week is about everything to do with music and radio. I learned so much (we had seminars put on by consultants from all over the industry) and now I have an entire new vision for K-ROCK. Fun stuff. (if you are radio geek like me) Anyways, along the way..I got to meet some really cool people. Like Nikki Sixx. Yes..and it was one of those heart hammering moments. And Jordan Knight of New Kids on the Block. Not so heart hammering but cool none the less. And I got to see Sarah McLachlan perform (I actually go to her concert next week) Hollerado performed, Ash Koley, and some other cool performers. 

So now I head home and I've got some serious work to do. The cool part is I love it. :)
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