My daily adventures on the East Coast

My daily adventures on the East Coast

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Work Out Weekend

Thursday night, I went to see Sketch 22. A co-worker is in Sketch 22, he has been for 7 years. It is a brilliant "Kids In The Hall" meets "Trailer Park Boys" meets "Second City." I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face. Nothing was untouchable to these guys, including "Scary Fox" and a hillarious bit with a man dressed up as "Tippy Toes the Cat Burgler" which was a guy, dressed in tights, a cat costume (think the Broadway show) and tap shoes. Awesome night. Parts of it were in 3D. Paris was made to wear the glasses.

Friday was my first time in the Gold Cup Parade. This parade is really long, 2 hours-and a lot of quality floats. We had a float with our morning show teams singing, and we also had the rest of us dressed up as letters. It was a great time. Prime Minister Stephan Harper was there. But get this. He showed up for the first few minutes before the parade started. Had a photo op, and then left before the parade even started. Then his press people send out a release saying he "took part" in the Gold Cup Parade. Friday night I had a remote (were I go to a business and do live commercials) at Reebok/Rockport. They had a huge tent sale, it was a crazy sale, really cheap and it was crowded. I mean really crowded, people thought they were going to faint crowded.

Saturday my friend and I went mountain biking. Problem was, we couldn't find the bike trail. Eventually we found a Woodlot Demonstration outside of Souris, that had trails, (some tough trails actually) so we had a great time going through the woods. I slammed my bike into a tree root, and it stopped me completely. That hurt my back, but I felt better on Sunday.

Sunday(this morning) was great. Beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. My friend and I walked to Victoria Park, and played tennis. It was a load of fun, and the weather was perfect. I had a blast and lost 6-5. It was a good game. The tennis courts here are in prime condition, the nicest I have ever played on, and you don't have to pay. They even have a tennis clubhouse, lessons and there were 8 courts. Excellent feature in Charlottetown.


  1. Why do my comments have to be approved
    why does a cat choose to wear 3-d glasses
    why does hugh have a picture of a moose why not a kangaroo
    Why are you wearing a bike helmet but not elbow and knee pads

  2. Jerred

    Comments have to be approved because people are jerks and write things that are inappropriate.

    The cat did not choose to wear the 3d glasses. She just looks really cool in them.

    Why does Hugh do anything he normally does?

    I have to have some sort of element of danger while mountain biking, but I need to protect my very important brain!
